About Us

One of One Performance, spearheaded by DB Specialist and Coach E, stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of defensive back training. Renowned for its elite caliber, One of One Performance isn't just a training service; it's a pinnacle of skill refinement and confidence elevation for defensive backs who choose to embark on this transformative journey under Coach E's guidance.

At the heart of One of One Performance lies a profound mission: to enrich the abilities and self-assurance of every defensive back who walks through its doors. For Coach E, this endeavor is deeply personal, rooted in a desire to provide today's youth with opportunities he himself longed for during his own formative years in Youth Football, High School, and College.

Driven by the ethos of creating what was lacking in his own athletic journey, Coach E ensures that every athlete under his tutelage is equipped with the tools to train like a professional and surpass the norm. In the world of One of One Performance, mediocrity is not an option; instead, athletes are empowered to embrace and exceed the standard, for here, "The Standard Is The Standard."

Beyond just honing athletic prowess, One of One Performance instills a sense of pride and identity in its athletes, as they become ambassadors of the values and ethos championed by Coach E's vision. With each session, each drill, and each milestone achieved, athletes not only elevate their game but also carry forward the legacy of excellence that defines One of One Performance